Nothing to go with your Yo Ho Ho, then try Baron Samedi Dark Spiced Rum with Ginger Beer, fresh lime and bitters...
Premium Jamaican pot-still rum infused with all natural spices and flavours, including vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa and a unique Haitian Herb.
Baron with Ginger Beer, fresh lime and bitters recipe: 30ml Baron Samedi 120ml Ginger beer 2 dashes bitters Juice of ½ a lime squeezed in Pour all ingredients into glass filled with ice & stir
This silky smooth vodka has fast become a favourite. Vodka O has won the 2011 World Spirits Award and the 2010 Vodka Masters in London in the smooth category so...
Dimple is famous for not only its unique bottle shape, but by its long standing reputation for producing one of the finest blended malts available. Using malts predominantly from Glenkinchie...